Ctrl + R

What is CTRL + R?

To be honest not all of us in the Camp Committee knew what it was at first. If you know that pressing the “Ctrl” key and the “R” key on your keyboard will cause this page to refresh, you’re already smarter than some of us on the committee! Well, Ctrl + R has the same function of pressing the F5 key – it REFRESHES the current webpage you’re looking at.

Most, if not all, of the committee are attracted to GCF and iBridge because it is a platform for us to get to know other graduates outside of our normal circle of university, church and work . It is liberating to know that you are not alone, and that the problems you are facing are not unique to your circumstances. You will be surprised to find out that most young, christian graduates face similar issues such as:

  • moving to a new city
  • back to living with family after a period of independence in university
  • looking for/adjusting to a new church
  • facing temptation, identity-in-Christ crisis
  • “work-life balance”  yeah, right.
  • dealing with difficult workplace experiences
  • struggling to match your ideals/expectations with reality
  • lost sight of your life’s direction/purpose
  • budgeting, loans and taxes

income tax

While we set up workshop topics and invite speakers to come and address the common issues all of us face, we hope that the 4-day retreat will be an environment where you can also connect with other people and discuss/rant/complain about THAT thing which has been bothering you for the last month. You might surprise yourself by learning a creative solution from a fellow camper. There’s loads of free time during the afternoon sessions (2-6pm) and if you want, you can request to join a group of the more mature GCF members who will be having a separate retreat in PDMC where our Japanese devotional speaker, Koichi Ohtawa San, will be conducting spiritual and meditative sessions.

Regardless of what your exact needs are, we hope that thru encounters in this camp, you alphabetwill be able to take a break from the craziness and take stock of where you are at this point in time; a selah, if you will. Perhaps you have lost your way in the forest of files,  maybe you have lost your first love like the church in Ephesus.

We hope that you will join us and re-evaluate your status, allow your mind, spirit and body to be refreshed and finally redirect your life back on track. If you’re shy, bring a friend or three! On top of being blessed, your attendance could be a blessing to another. In the mean time, here’s a song for you to ponder upon (: